Kala Dhanda Goray Loge

Directed by Javed Sajjad. Produced by Kafait Hussain & Asif Khan. Music: Mehboob Pervez. Lyrics: Dr. Safi Hassan, Ph.D. Story: Kafait Hussain. Music: Mehboob Pervez. Cast: Muhammad Ali (uncredited voiceover in prologue), Asif Khan, Sangeeta, Waheed Murad, Patsy Stanley, Badar Munir, Maline Bloxham, Sameena (debuut), Zahid, Jaffery, Aman, Spencer Monty, Mike Paul,  Suri Jackey, Gurjai Pal Singh, Kafait Hussain, Abbas Abid, Bashi Khan Hadi, Yaqoob, Nasim Asghar. Child stars: Joseph, Salman. 52 (8) Weeks. 29 May 1981.

A Pashto version of this film (slightly different from the original) was released on 23 October 1981.


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